Hey Wallpaper Fans and Blog Buddies, as I was saying last time I'm now starting Blogging for My 5th Year and boy things sure have changed since I started. Way, way, way back in 2009 when I first started sharing My Walls on the Net, it was only with the Wallpaper-Hunkz Yahoo Group, this Group at the time was recommending: "That all Walls that were to be share should be either in a 800x600 and 1024x768. Wallpapers under 800X600 in resolution will not be approved. Wallpapers for other Devices Such As Wide Screen Monitors, Portrait Monitors, Cell Phones, I-Pods, Zunes or any other device will be allowed. But Anyone posting wallpapers fitting into these latter categories, must inform the group in the subject area that their post contains wallpapers of a size other than the traditional sizes shared." And are still to this day part of the Groups Rules and Guidelines. Well that is exactly what I did, I started creating Walls in the traditional size of 1024x768 format and started sharing them. But then I started receiving so many e-mails from fellow Wallpaper-Hunkz Yahoo Group Members that had Wide Screen Monitors requesting for My Work also be in a Wide Screen Format!!!. Well needless to say, it didn't take long for me to figure out what the Group was advising me to do was somewhat misleading to me so that is when I started creating all my walls in a "Dual Format Size" and I'm so glad I did. For back in those days 70% of the Walls that were being downloaded from this Blog were of "Standard Size", while only 30% were "Wide Screen Size", but not today in the year of 2014, for 70% of Walls being downloaded are now "Wide Screen Size", while only 30% are of "Standard Size". But then again, just has always, I have always tried my best to please ALL My Wallpaper Fans with a "Dual Format Wallpaper Sizes"!!! And with this said, I'm happy to present to you this mid-month...
My "Definitely A Man's Man" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)
...(Or In 1920 x 1200 Format Size)
PS: And I'm so glad I listen to all my Wallpaper Fans with Wide Screen Monitors with the Wallpaper-Hunkz Yahoo Group way back in 2009 and while yes it has been more work on my part over the past many years, but it sure has paid off BIG TIME with My New Auto Wall Blog!!! For it is the first and currently the only Wallpaper Blog/Web Site on the Net that is offering Automatic Daily Adult Male Wallpapers not only in "Standard Size", but also in "Wide Screen Size"!!! And not Only from Me, but also from Bryan, John Taylor-Morin, Juan and Mr Unknown that are also sharing their work with me in "Dual Formats" has shown here....
For those of You that want to see more of what I'm taking about for Your Desktop, just click on the following....http://brentsautowalls.blogspot.com/
Your Wallpaper Buddy Always,
With Big Wallpaper Hugs
()()( Brent )()()
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