(Now Showcasing (2,056) Wallpapers That I Have Enjoyed On My Desktop)


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Just Hoping For A One Night Stand

Hi Once again Wallpaper Fans and Blog Buddies, and while I don't say it often enough, I do Thank all of you for visiting My Blog each time I do a new posting, it is greatly appreciated.  And it is somewhat hard for me to believe, but with this posting there are now 1,482 Wallpapers within 180 Collections on this Blog and since I really do not know how much long I'm going to be do this, I have decided to starting a New Blog, more about this at the bottom of this Post.  And with this said, I'm happy to present to you....
My "Just Hoping For A One Night Stand" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)

...(Or In 1920 x 1200 Format Size)

And Yes Wallpaper Fans and Blog Buddies, coming to your computer monitor soon, A New Blog By Me....

For anyone and everyone that has ever wanted to know how to do what it is I do and that is creating Desktop Wallpapers with step-by-step instructions to show you how. And the best part of all this, you can get started doing it for FREE.  Hoping to have this New Blog up and running by my next posting here and hoping that there will be enough of you that are interested in joining in on all the fun there to make this Blog work.
Your Wallpaper Buddy Always,
With Wallpaper Hugs To You
()()( Brent )()()


OrlandoGuy said...

Brent, Your "Just Hoping For A One Night Stand" wallpaper collection is fabulous. I downloaded so many of them, and I plan on sharing them too - if you don't mind.
Thanks for sharing some more of your awesome work with us.
Hugs & Be Good To Yourself,

Brent said...

Thanks Gordon, for taking the time to post your kind words for all to see regarding my latest collection, it is greatly appreciated and share away Wallpaper Buddy, just hoping when you do you will included by my blog address just incase anyone that you are sharing my work with might want to see more....(((( BIG SMILE ))))....Your Wallpaper Buddy Always, (Brent)

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