Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm Just A Nudist At Heart

Hey Wallpaper Fans and Blog Buddies.... 
I'm So Sorry to starting off this week's posting with a Special Notice,  But to "All" My Wallpapers Fans and Blog Buddies that may belong to Yahoo's Group of "Extra Hairy Men" that have been enjoying my regular Monday Morning Postings of what I'm posting to My Blog each week, I'm so sorry to say that I have been asked by "Ray Hagen", the owner of this Group, to stop submitting my Monday Morning Posting to His Group for they are not all of "Extra Hairy Men"!!!  And in His own words said to me.... 
"Please stop using our group to advertise your wallpapers. If you want to send photos of HAIRY men, fine, but these emails with smooth bodies are totally off-topic. Thanks. Ray" 
And while I totally understand Ray's position on this matter, for after all, not all my Walls are of "Hairy Men".  But My first thoughts were of those OH So many members that have become my Wallpaper Fans that will no longer be receiving my weekly reminder posting of what is being posted on my Blog to His Group, no matter how hairy the Guys maybe, for I do not I have time, nor do I want to go through the trouble of doing a special posting just for His Group of just the Extra Hairy Guys within my Wallpapers every Monday Morning even though there may be some, for after all, I do post to Oh So Many Other Yahoo Groups, not to mention to My 5,000 to 6,000 regularly weekly visitors, plus all the new visitors to My Blog each week that enjoy a much wider variety of men in this real world other than "Extra Hairy Men".  So for those of you that may want to continue to receiving a Monday Morning Reminder e-mail from Me, I would recommend that You Join one of the Other Yahoo Groups that do except My Weekly Postings that you will find in My Side Bar.  And since your into "Extra Hair Men", I would highly recommend either joining Tom's Group of "Hairyarmsonhairyguy2 @ Yahoo", Tom personal e-mailed me asking me to join His Group and wanting Me to post to it weekly even through not all My Wallpapers were of "Hairy Arms On Hairy Guys" but so many where that He thought many of His Members would enjoy My Blog, also another Group that does an outstanding job of Hairy Bear's at Unlimited Bear Links @ Yahoo Both of these other Yahoo Groups do a GREAT JOB of also filling your need for "Extra Hairy Men", plus gives you a much more variety of men in the real world of today. 
So now that you know where to turn to continue receiving both My Weekly Postings to a Yahoo Group and Oh So Many More Hot Men than just provided by "Extra Hairy Men"!!!  Hoping this information is of help to so many Of My Fans from "Extra Hairy Men"!!  And I Thank Each And Everyone Of You For All Your Love and Support that You have shared with me within ALL OF YOUR OH SO MANY WONDERFUL GREAT E-MAILS!!!  Do I say need to say more?  I think not, but boy, I sure could!!! 
Now moving on to the business at hand for ALL MY BLOG FANS, and no they are not of all extra hairy men....((((BIG SMILE)))...But of something that I thought that Oh So Many More of You would enjoy, other than just (one) Yahoo Group and that being "Public Nudity".  And while Yes, this practice is accepted within the USA, it is somewhat  "LIMITED" to only special places.  Here in California, Yes we have Our Public Nude Beaches, along with many private Nude Camp Grounds, but nothing like what is found in Oh So Many European Countries that enjoy the same practice in so many more places!!  With all this said, I'm so happy to present to you this week.....

My "I'm Just A Nudist At Heart" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)
...(Or In 1920 x 1200 Format Size)

Your Wallpaper Buddy Always, Here in California USA
With Wallpaper Hugs To All Of You
()()( Brent )()()
PS:  And just encase this Blog should ever get Closed By Google, My Replacement Blogs Are: Brent's Male Wallpapers III (Now A Private Blog), My Nibblebit Blog and My Best Male Diaries Blog. Please make a Note of this just encase something should ever happen to this Blog!


  1. Another GREAT set of wallpapers. As usual. (Even though they are not at all hairy :>o ) Does your Wallpapers III contain different ones than this one? How about an example here if they are different. Also, have you ever thought of doing one with a model named Dionisio Heiderscheid? "Google for a ton of pics of this stunner.

  2. Thank you so much glen0330 for your most kind words regarding this collection and NO, My Wallpapers III is identical to this Blog and doesn't contain anything different than what is here. I have only for a Backup Blog in case Google Closes this Blog. And also thank you for the great tip on Dionisio Heiderscheid, I did the Google search for Him and your right, found all kinds of great ones of him for future Walls!!! Thanks
