Well Wallpaper Fans and Blog Buddies it as been some time now since I created a Collection based on this week's theme, in fact I haven't done one since December 2009 and that being My "Behind The Times" and with over 90,000 downloads of that collection alone, I really don't know why I have done another one of these much sooner for You, but I'm hoping that many of you will find something within this new collection that finds it's way to Your Desktop's. With that said, I'm happy to present to you this week.....
My "Who Said Don't Look Back" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)
Your Wallpaper Buddy Always, Here in California USA
With Wallpaper Hugs To All Of You
()()( Brent )()()
PS: And just encase this Blog should ever get Closed By Google, My Replacement Blogs Are: Brent's Male Wallpapers III (Now A Private Blog), My Nibblebit Blog and My Best Male Diaries Blog. Please make a Note of this just encase something should ever happen to this Blog!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this great collection of male "back" wallpapers with us. Where to begin? LOL!
Hey Blogger Buddy Gordon, Thanks so much for your most wonderful comment once again and to answer your question of "Where to begin?" Well you could start with Wall #1 for today, Wall #2 for Tuesday, Wall #3 for Wednesday etc., etc., etc., and end up with "ME" at the Grand Canyon on Sunday just in time for My next Monday's Posting of "I'm Just A Nudist At Heart". Now you know why I have at least (7) Walls in each of My Collections, one for each day of the week.....(((( BIG SMILE ))))....Your Wallpaper Buddy..(Brent)