Friday, December 1, 2017

Winter Wonderland IV

Hey Wallpaper Fans and Blogger Buddies first of all I would like to take this opportunity to say HI to and to Welcome all the NEW Followers that have just found my Wallpaper Blogs and I'm hoping you are finding many Walls to your liking and that they are finding there way to your Desktops!  And You are more than welcome to either leave any of your comments on any of My Posting or send to me an e-mail @ with any of your requests. OK? Ok. And now with this said, I'm so happy to share with you this Holiday Season....

My "Winter Wonderland IV" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)

...(Or In 1920 x 1200 Format Size)

PS:  And if by chance you are even wanting more, well here is what My Wallpaper Buddies shared in the Month of November...

With All My Auto Wall Users from around the world on My Auto Wall Blog which is now over 6,600 PLUS Windows & Mac users and this Other Little Blog of mine has now just received 130,000+ Hits!!!  So hoping you find something to your liking here also!

Your Wallpaper Buddy Always
With Big Wallpaper Hugs
()()( Brent )()()


  1. Thanks, Brent.
    I love your sexy Christmas wallpapers. You've added so many to my collection. I need to decide which ones I want to come to my home for the Holidays. LOL!
    Hugs and be good to yourself,

  2. So glad to hear you are enjoying my Holiday Walls Gordon and if you can't make up your mind on which ones you wanted to come to your home for the Holidays, then may I recommend to you to download the Collage Recap, this way you will have all of them! :) Wishing you only the Best the Holiday Season.
    Your Wallpaper Buddy
    ()( Brent )()
