Well Wallpaper Fans and Blogger Buddies I'm really happy to see that so many of YOU are still visiting my blog week after week, month after month now for the last 7 1/2 years and because YOU are, well I guess I'm just going to have to keep creating more new Wallpaper Collections for ALL OF YOU!!!!....((( BIG WALLPAPER SMILE ))), but as many of you know, I love doing so and with this said, I'm happy to present to you this month.... My "The Answer To Where's The Meat" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)
...(Or In 1920 x 1200 Format Size)
PS: And if by chance you are even wanting more, well here is what was shared in the Month of April...
With All My Auto Wall Users from around the world on My Auto Wall Blog which is now over 6,500 PLUS Windows & Mac users and this Other Little Blog of mine has now just received 98,500+ Hits!!! So hoping you find something to your liking here also! Your Wallpaper Buddy Always With Big Wallpaper Hugs ()()( Brent )()()
I love the first pic!