Sunday, May 5, 2013

I'm Proud To Be A Man

Hey Wallpaper Fans and Blog Buddies,  I am so glad to see that so many of You are still visiting my Blog, even though I'm now only posting once a month.  But the older I get, the longer it takes for me to get things done these day....(((BIG SMILE))))  And while this month went bye really fast for me, I did manage to create another Wallpaper Collection for all of You and hoping you find something to Your liking within it.  And with this said, I'm happy to present to you....
My "I'm Proud To Be A Man" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)

...(Or In 1920 x 1200 Format Size)

Your Wallpaper Buddy Always,
With Wallpaper Hugs To You
()()( Brent )()()


  1. Hi Brent,
    Thanks for sharing some more of your creative, well done, and handsome wallpapers with us.
    I would be hard pressed to select a favorite from so many expertly crafted designs.
    Be good to yourself & Enjoy.
    P.S. Is that Dan Blocker from "Bonanza" on one of your works? I enjoy the show, and I had a boyhood crush on a younger Michael Landon.

  2. Hey Gordon, Blogger Buddy of Mine, I too was hard pressed on selecting a favorite out of this Collection, but this is why I always include a Collage of each Collection, for those like You and Me to chose from, that is when we can't make up their mind which is the best!!!...((( Big Smile ))) And Yes, that is Dan Blocker from the TV Show of Bonanza, who I had a boyhood crush on at the time and I'm now able to full fill it...((( Even Bigger Smile )))...Using My Photo Editor!!! Love And Hugs Gordon, Your Wallpaper Buddy, (Brent) PS: Oh Bye The Way, thanks a million for all the great photos of Old Florida Inns & Hotels, Chicago Landmarks and Saint Augustine, Florida, USA, I loved them ALL and I going to try my best to use some of them as backgrounds in some of my future Wallpapers for All My Wallpaper Fans that I'm sure will enjoy them as much. Thanks Gordon for sharing them with me.

  3. thnkzzzz & visit me

    HD Wallpapers Free Download
    Oeek Wallpapers

  4. Awesome as always, Brent. Ever considered posting on tumblr?

  5. Thanks fuzzbuzz, So glad to hear You are still enjoying My Blog and Yes I have considered posting on Tumblr, but with this Blog and My two WordPress Blogs, this is keeping Me Busy enough for right now...((( BIG SMILE )))...Your Wallpaper Buddy (Brent)

  6. Hi dear friend,
    Lovely :)
    your works is clean and horny :)

  7. Hey Antoni, So, So glad to see you are still visiting My Blog and Yes, I'm trying my best to make all my Walls as clean as possible and most of all, Horny...((( BIG, BIG SMILE ))) Wallpaper Hugs To You Antoni, (Brent)
