Monday, June 4, 2012

Are You Happy To See Me

Hi once again Wallpaper Fans and Blog Buddies, well Summer is finally here and we had our first day last week whereas it got over 100 degrees and I love it.  Doesn't matter if I'm going to the Grocery Store, one of the Big Box Stores, the Mall or anywhere around town, there are oh so many half naked men walking around in shorts and flip flops, some in tee-shirts or tank tops and some with no shirt at all and I always forget my camera, for boy so many of these Studs would be perfect for one of My Walls....((( Big Smile )))  With that said, I happy to present to You....
My "Are You Happy To See Me" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)

...(Or In 1920 x 1200 Format Size)
Your Wallpaper Buddy Always, Here in California USA
With Love And Wallpaper Hugs To You
()()( Brent )()()
PS: And just encase this Blog should ever get Closed By Google, My Replacement Blogs Are: Brent's Male Wallpapers III (Now A Private Blog), My Nibblebit Blog and My Best Male Diaries Blog. Please make a Note of this just encase something should ever happen to this Blog! Also Please Note and do not request to be added to "Brent's Male Wallpaper III", for it is identical to this Blog and it's solo purpose is in the event this Blog is Closed By Google, I will just make it a public Blog and continue on!!! Thanks


  1. Thanks for sharing another expertly done wallpaper collection, Brent.

    I would be happy to see one of these hunks!

  2. Hey Orlando Guy, I can always count on My long, long time Blogger Buddies, such as Yourself to keep me pumped up and helping me to keep on doing what I enjoy doing. Thanks Gordon and so glad to here your enjoying this Collection. Your Wallpaper Buddy, (Brent)

  3. I do too enjoy your work Brent! It has been a long since chat.
