Monday, February 6, 2012


Well Wallpaper Fans and Blog Buddies, Boy it is good to be back on my feet and doing what I enjoy doing and that is creating Wallpapers for all of You.  However, I have some "Good" News and I have some "Bad" News for all of You.  So let me start off with the "Bad" News first and that is, while being under the weather and taking a brake to get back on my feet, well it was kind of nice not having to meet my regular Monday Morning Deadline To Post a New Wallpaper Collection for all of You.  So I have decided that this is going to be My LAST Regular Monday Morning Posting that I have been doing for over two years now.  And while I realize that this is going to be somewhat sad news for many of You, but we all knew that this day would be coming one day, or at least I did, for it couldn't go on forever.  So please try to keep in mind that while it did take a lot and I do mean a lot of work for me to do what I have been doing for so long now week after week, I just feel I need to make a change not only for my own health and piece of mind, but this will give Me more time to do other things that I also enjoy doing in life.

So what could possibly be the "Good" News You're asking now that I have?  Well for one, I'm not going to be completely retiring My Photo Editor's, for I'm still planning on creating Wallpapers for all of You, just not ever Monday Morning!!!  My current plans are to just Post a New Collection once, maybe twice a month.  And for two, this will give Me more time to try out new things and hopefully create something new and different for all of You rather that just the same basic Walls that I have been doing week after week.
I'm hoping YOU all can understand my decision on this one and that You will still continue to to enjoy My Blog and support Me on this decision and believe Me, This One Was A Hard Decision For Me To Make, for I know How Many Of You Looked Forward To Each Monday Morning Via Your Yahoo Group And/Or My Blog!!!
And Well,  at the very least, I'm not going to be leaving you without ANY New Walls in the future!  Right? OK? ((( And Big Smile )))  With all this said, I'm happy to present to you this always...Hoping You Enjoy....
My "V-Day" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)

...(Or In 1920 x 1200 Format Size)

Your Wallpaper Buddy Always, Here in California USA
With Love And Wallpaper Hugs To You
()()( Brent )()()
PS: And just encase this Blog should ever get Closed By Google, My Replacement Blogs Are: Brent's Male Wallpapers III (Now A Private Blog), My Nibblebit Blog and My Best Male Diaries Blog. Please make a Note of this just encase something should ever happen to this Blog! Also Please Note and do not request to be added to "Brent's Male Wallpaper III", for it is identical to this Blog and it's solo purpose is in the event this Blog is Closed By Google, I will just make it a public Blog and continue on!!! Thanks


  1. Let me be the 1st to say your Monday morning walls will be missed VERY much. I am one of those people who live for Monday mornings. But I do understand your feelings and desires for more time for yourself. Good luck with those ventures.

  2. Hey glen0330, So glad to hear that you understand my decision on this matter and I'm happy to report to You that the e-mails have been pouring in for the last 48 hours, all about saying the same thing of what you have said!!! Sure is making me feel much better about my decision and Thank You for taking the time to post Your Comment. Wallpaper Hugs To You...(Brent)

  3. Hi Brent, dear one.
    As Glen wrote, Best wishes from my heart to you.
    Israel gay bear.

  4. Hey, great to see the lastest posts. I tried dropping you a note at the email address in the blog but it is not going through. Have questions about your "III" page.

  5. Hey, great to see the lastest posts. I tried dropping you a note at the email address in the blog but it is not going through. Have questions about your "III" page.

  6. Hey glen0330, so glad to hear you are enjoying my latest posting and sorry to hear that you are having a problem e-mailing once again, but the G-mail address is a valid address and I receive anywhere from between 50 to a 100 emails a day at that address Wallpaper Buddy. So rather than clicking on it in my sidebar on my Blog or copy and pasting my address into Your E-mail Program, just try typing in one of the two following addresses into Your Address Bar within Your E-mail Program Wallpaper Buddy.... or

    For both of these e-mail addresses are most valid Glen, and while I don't possible know what is causing the problem for you to e-mail, please try what I have suggested and send me your e-mail with your question. Thanks and Wallpaper Hugs To You....(Brent)

  7. hi please your work is amazing,if possible for wallpaper for kyle king and dean monroe. thanks advance for all

  8. Hi Musicman, sorry for the delay in answering your comment, for I just spotted it this morning!!! Anyway, thanks for your kind words and I'm happy to report to you that I have already found some hot photos of Kyle King and Dean Monroe and I try my best to work them into My Next Wallpaper Collection for you. Wallpaper Hugs to You. (Brent)
