Monday, November 14, 2011

Cum Be With Me

Hi Ya once again Wallpaper Fans and Blog Buddies,  Well I don't know about You, but I had one hell of a fantastic week last week, for everything that I tried when it come to creating New Walls, well they all just fell into place one after another and I'm so looking forward to sharing them all with you through out the rest of this Month and December.  Yes Fans, I have enough Walls completed to keep posting now till the beginning of the New Year.  Will I be posting in 2012?  Well, that ALL depends on You???  If my weekly Blog Traffic remains has it has been and You keep voting each week on each Collection, then more than likely I will!!!  If not, will just maybe it is time for me to step down and let some other Wallpaper Artist do what I have been doing now for over two years.  With this said, I'm happy to present to you this week......   

My "Cum Be With Me" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)

...(Or In 1920 x 1200 Format Size)
Your Wallpaper Buddy Always, Here in California USA
With Wallpaper Hugs To All Of You
()()( Brent )()()
PS:  And just encase this Blog should ever get Closed By Google, My Replacement Blogs Are: Brent's Male Wallpapers III (Now A Private Blog), My Nibblebit Blog and My Best Male Diaries Blog. Please make a Note of this just encase something should ever happen to this Blog! Also Please Note and do not request to be added to "Brent's Male Wallpapers III", for it is identical to this Blog and it's solo purpose is in the event this Blog is Closed By Google, I will make it a public Blog and continue on!!! Thanks


  1. Hey Brent,
    Thanks for creating some more hot & awesome wallpapers. I really do look forward to and enjoy all of your posts.
    Have a great week and enjoy.

  2. Hi Ya Once Again Gordon and thank you so much for taking the time to post you most kind comment. And I'm happy to report to you that your not alone, it appears that there are about 5,000 each week that look forward to my Monday morning postings....(((( Big SMILE))) and it's my hope that these Walls help each and everyone have a better week. Your Wallpaper Buddy...(Brent)...With Wallpaper Hugs Back To You.
