(Now Showcasing (2,056) Wallpapers That I Have Enjoyed On My Desktop)


Monday, June 27, 2011

I'm All Alone, Care To Join Me ?

Well Wallpaper Fans and Blog Buddies, first of all thank you so much for all your great e-mails last week regarding my mermen in last week's collection of Aquarium.  It's getting easier for me to try to do new things in walls and sharing them with you, for each time I have, they always seem to be a big hit.  This weeks collection is more on the lines of my norm that so many of you have come to enjoy.  So with that said,  I'm happy to present to you....

My "I'm All Alone, Care To Join Me ?" Collection...(Either in 1024 x 768 Format Size)

...(Or In 1920 x 1200 Format Size)

Your Wallpaper Buddy Always, Here in California USA
With Wallpaper Hugs To All Of You
()()( Brent )()()

PS:  And just encase this Blog should ever get Closed By Google, My Replacement Blogs Are: Brent's Male Wallpapers III (Now A Private Blog), My Nibblebit Blog and My Best Male Diaries Blog. Please make a Note of this just encase something should ever happen to this Blog!


hjonez said...

I really like the idea of these, Brent. An excellent use of the medium. Very nice work.


Brent said...

Wow HJ, It is always such a great honor for me when receiving a compliment regarding my Wallpaper Work from a fellow Wallpaper Artist, especially when they post their comment to a Group or on My Blog!!! Thank You so much for taking the time to post your most wonderful words regarding this collection HJ. I know that you are a somewhat busy man that hasn't had the time to create any Walls lately, but I sure do enjoy your work also and I'm hoping that you can find some spare time to create once again. (Brent)

Anonymous said...

Dear Brent,

Your wallpapers today are absolutely exquisite. The male pulchritude and sensuality is almost too much for this old man's heart. Thank you so much for this. I am smiling while I am writing this, because of your wonderful male sense of masculine sensuality.


john from Michigan

Brent said...

OH John, you're being way, way to kind and wonderful!!! And I must say, if this old man's heart in California can take it while creating what I create, then it is with the greatest of hope that "Your" old man's heart in Michigan can also take it while enjoying them on Your Desktop....((((Big Smile)))

With Love and Wallpaper Hugs to you John and Thanks for all your most wonderful kind words and I too am smiling while I am writing this, only because of what you had to say. (Brent)

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