Friday, October 2, 2009

Antalog Clock Program

I have designed several Wallpapers that support an actual running analog clock on your desktop. (Please Refer To Analog Clock Wallpapers Posting). Now I have searched and searched the Net and I have tried many different analog clock programs for my Wallpapers, but I finally chose "Custom Skin Clock" by "" because for One, it's a free lead-in program to their Pro Clock Version and it is free of spyware and adware. Two, it is totally customizable, for you can load any image file into the Clock to have it be displayed on the face of the Clock, with zoom in and zoom out and pan up/down to the right or left of the image capability. Three, the 3D outer ring of the Clock can be any color that you would like it to be and the hour hand, minute hand and second hand can each be any color that you would like them to be. Four, it is totally sizable and you can set the opacity of the Clock on your Desktop from 10% to 100%.  And last of all, the number's on the face of the Clock can be changed by the font style, font size and font color. And to see for yourself what I'm talking about, their web site is….

And scroll down to the very bottom of their "Product" Page, till you see "Custom Skin Clock". You then can download this Clock program by clicking on the (Download Now (1.25 Mb)).

And the other Great thing about this Clock Program is that it can be ran on ANY Wallpaper with a photo or with out a photo loaded into the clock. The following is your basic beach Wallpaper with no photo, all I have done here is load the Wallpaper it's self into the Clock Program and then zoomed into the area in which I wanted to place the Clock and then the Clock face looks transparent on the Wallpaper and it shows me the current time each time I return to My Desktop, as shown here.....

Here is another example of how the Clock can look transparent; this is one of My “Men About Town” Wallpapers…..

All I did here was to zoom all the way in on the top of the Empire State building and then moved the clock around till everything lined up.

So has you can plainly see, this clock program has endless possibilities and can be used on Any Wallpaper, not just on the ones that I have created for it. Pretty NEET, Right? Well at least I think so.

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